Mind Regression Hypnosis | Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy

Regression hypnosis is a form of hypnotherapy that involves accessing and exploring past (sometimes repressed) memories and experiences from a deep state of relaxation or trance. This technique is often used in combination with other therapeutic approaches to help individuals uncover and process unresolved issues from their past that may be impacting their present behavior or emotions.

During a regression hypnosis session, you will be guided into a hypnosis state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility. You will then be prompted to recall memories and experiences from your past, which may be related to your current challenges or issues. By delving into these past memories, you can gain insight into the root causes of current difficulties and begin to heal from past traumas or unresolved emotions.

Benefits of Regression Hypnosis

One of the key benefits of regression hypnosis is its ability to access memories that may be buried or forgotten in the subconscious mind (so called repressed memories). Oftentimes, these memories hold important information about past experiences that have shaped our beliefs, behaviors, and emotional responses. By uncovering and processing these memories, individuals can release emotional blocks, overcome limiting beliefs, and create positive changes in their lives.

What Issues can Regression Hypnosis help with

Regression hypnosis can be particularly helpful in addressing issues such as:

  • phobias,
  • anxiety,
  • trauma,
  • addictions,
  • relationship issues,
  • chronic pain.

By exploring the underlying causes of these problems, you can:

  • gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts and behaviors,
  • release trapped emotions,
  • interrupt the pattern  and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Regression hypnosis is a powerful therapeutic tool that can help individuals unlock their past experiences and emotions, leading to greater self-awareness, healing, and personal growth. If you are struggling with unresolved issues from your past, consider exploring regression hypnosis as a potential avenue for healing and transformation.

It is important to approach regression hypnosis with an open mind and a willingness to explore and confront difficult emotions or memories. It is also recommended to work with a trained and experienced clinical hypnotherapist who can create a safe and supportive environment for the regression process. After the session, you may experience a sense of relief, clarity, and healing as you gain insight and perspective on past experiences and begin the process of healing and transformation.

What to Expect During Regression Hypnosis

During a regression hypnosis session, you can expect to be in a relaxed state where your conscious mind is quieted, allowing for access to deeper parts of your subconscious mind.

Your hypnotherapist will guide you back in time to a specific event or period in your past that is relevant to the issues you are seeking to address. You may experience vivid memories, emotions, and sensations from that past experience as if you are reliving it in the present moment.

The purpose of regression hypnosis is to uncover and work through unresolved issues, traumas, or negative beliefs that may be affecting your present behavior and emotions. The hypnotherapist will provide guidance and support throughout the session, helping you to process and release any negative emotions or beliefs associated with the past event.

Steps of the session

The therapist will explain the process of past life regression and set the intention for the session. You will be asked to relax, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing.

The therapist will guide you into a deep state of relaxation through visualization, breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation.

The therapist will ask you to visualise a peaceful and safe place in your mind, and then guide you to explore memories and images from your past, including pre birth and past lives if relevant. It is safe, engaging and you remain in full control 

You will be guided to recall specific events, emotions, and sensations from your past life. You may experience memories as if you are reliving the events in real time.

The therapist may ask specific questions to help you recall details about your past life experiences and will take notes for you.

The therapist will help you process and understand the insights gained from your past life regression experience. I may also help you release any negative emotions or beliefs that may have been carried over from past lives.

The therapist will guide you back to a safe place and help you integrate the insights and lessons learned from the past life regression session into your current life and get a foresight into future.

The therapist will guide you back to a state of wakefulness

The therapist may recommend further sessions for deeper exploration or provide tools and techniques for you to continue processing your past life experiences on your own.